The Nordic Hospital at Home Society Facilitates the Transition of Acute Care to Home Settings

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In this interview, we sit down with the newly established Nordic Hospital at Home Society (NHAHS) to explore their mission, key objectives, and the potential impact of their work on the future of healthcare in the Nordic region. By bringing advanced hospital-level care directly to patients' homes, the NHAHS aims to improve patient outcomes, enhance comfort, and reduce the strain on healthcare facilities. Join us as we discuss how this innovative model is reshaping healthcare delivery and empowering patients across the Nordic countries.

  • Can you provide an overview of the Nordic Hospital at Home Society (NHAHS)? What is its mission and key objectives?

The Nordic Hospital at Home Society (NHAHS) is a non-profit organization focused on advancing the implementation of Hospital at Home (HaH) services in the Nordic countries. Its mission is to optimize healthcare delivery by facilitating the transition of acute care to home settings. Key objectives include promoting best practices, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, and supporting research initiatives that enhance the efficacy of HaH. The underlying goal for the entire initiative is to contribute to a more patient-centered and improved healthcare for tomorrow’s patients.

  • What inspired the establishment of NHAHS, and what gap in healthcare delivery does the society aim to address?

In recent years, we’ve seen a growing interest in Hospital at Home (HaH) across the region from various stakeholders. However, the shift of acute care to home settings is progressing at a relatively slow pace. By establishing a unified HaH society for the Nordic countries, we aim to accelerate this transition through a more systematic approach, promoting shared experiences and advocating for essential regulatory and policy changes.

  • The WHAHC community has seen global growth and innovation in home-based healthcare. How has the vision and momentum from WHAHC influenced NHAHS’s formation and initial strategies?

The WHAHC has been a key influencer for the NHAHS initiative where we share its vision and hope to contribute from both a regional and international perspective.

  • Has NHAHS drawn inspiration or learned valuable insights from the WHAHC in shaping its approach to hospital-at-home services? Are there specific aspects of the WHAHC that have had a notable impact on NHAHS's development?

Absolutely. This includes insights from WHAHC regarding stakeholder engagement and operational frameworks, to specific elements, such as the focus on data-driven outcomes and the importance of interdisciplinary teams. 


                                                     NHaHS inaugural event

Karen Titchener, who serves as an International advisor on the NHAHS board, spoke during the society’s inaugural gathering on 6 November.


  • How does NHAHS collaborate with other organizations or entities in the field of home-based healthcare? Are there any partnerships or collaborations that have been particularly influential in the society's development?

NHAHS has the ambition to collaborate with various international organizations, including academic institutions and healthcare networks, in knowledge exchange. 

  • Can you elaborate on some of the key initiatives or programs that NHAHS has undertaken to promote and enhance hospital-at-home services in the Nordic countries? 

Seminars and different types of knowledge exchange efforts to promote and enhance hospital-at-home services in the Nordic countries are included in the roadmap for 2025. 

  • Looking ahead, how do you envision the future of home-based healthcare in the Nordic countries, and what role does NHAHS aim to play in shaping that future?

NHAHS envisions a transformative shift toward integrated home-based healthcare as a standard model in the Nordic countries. The society aims to be at the forefront of this evolution by influencing policy, driving research, and fostering collaboration among stakeholders to ensure that HaH becomes a sustainable and effective component of the healthcare system.

You can find more information about us on our developing homepage:

NHaHS logo

Philip Smith

Philip Smith


MD. Chief Research and Development Officer at Medoma. 

Author of report “Hospital at Home – Sjukhus hemma. En analys av olika vårdformer i patientens hem”.

MD. Chief Research and Development Officer at Medoma. Author of report “Hospital at Home – Sjukhus hemma. En analys av olika vårdformer i patientens hem”.