How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by WHAHC Community Team -
Number of replies: 19

How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

In reply to WHAHC Community Team

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Itamar Offer -
We will be happy to learn from the WHAHC2019 Madrid participants - What was your main take away message from the 1st International conference?
In reply to Itamar Offer

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Achala Balasuriya -
I am from a developing country ( Sri Lanka). Although at first glance HAH may not appear to be practical to our policy makers, I strongly believe this initiative has lot of scope even in resource poor settings. I was fortunate enough to participate at the first HAH conference and learned a lot from it. In fact I did a presentation at Overseas ( India) Geriatric Conference about HAH and the response was very favourable. Having a international HAH community helps to share more knowledge and experience in different settings and more visibility to HAH.
In reply to Achala Balasuriya

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Bruce Leff -
Great to see all the activity as our community continues to grow and unify. I agree with Achala in terms of the idea that HaH has tremendous potential in less well resourced settings. Scaling HaH could help such places divert money that would otherwise go towards building bricks and mortar infrastructure (hospital buildings) into providing direct care to patients. Hospitals may still need to be built, but could likely build fewer of them.
In reply to WHAHC Community Team

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Deleted user -
An international HaH online community is an opportunity to network with the peers and share our experiences with World Hospital at Home programs around the globe. This way we can all stay up to date about what's going on in our respective countries and brainstorm about new ideas.

Having an official online community is also another step towards becoming a single-entry point and reliable source in the World Hospital at Home field.

Thank you for this great initiative!
In reply to Deleted user

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Salvador Martín-Utrilla -
Hello, I'm from Valencia (Spain).

I agree with you. sometimes we feel like an island. It is very important to expand our contact network.

Thank you very much!
In reply to Salvador Martín-Utrilla

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Michael Montalto -
It was really great to meet with the Spanish HAD during the conference. I especially enjoyed my visit to Torrejon HAD to see a Spanish Hospital in the Home service in action.
You're correct - expanding that contact network is what this is all about.
In reply to WHAHC Community Team

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Ariel Cherro -
Hello, I´m from Argentina. I´ve read the briefing of the First International Conference and I think it was great.
Sharing experiences and opinions with colleagues around the world, would be an excelent way to learn and improve our practices.
Best wishes for everyone
In reply to Ariel Cherro

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Beatriz Massa -
Sharing experiencias...the best option to go further with our model.
Wellcome people from devoloping countries joining us!
In reply to WHAHC Community Team

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Marcos Domingues -
Hello group, I think sharing the best practices and experiences is what we can do best on an on line International Community, specially regarding about operational views and regulatory issues so we can understand better what is done in each part of the globe.

If I can suggest we could introduce ourselves so we would know where each one is and what they do.

I am Marcos Domingues, CEO of Qualivida Out of Hospital Health Care Platform, we do most of hospital procedures at home, from single professional visits to full 24h monitoring of an Intensive Care room at home including Infusion treatments. Our head officce is in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil and we have operations in most of the Northast Coast states.

Hope to share our experience and learn from each one of you too.

Best Regards.
In reply to WHAHC Community Team

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Itamar Offer -
One of the interesting issues that is important to all of us is the regulation of Hospital at Home.
In Israel, the Ministry of Health had just issued the draft of the HaH regulations. I will get it translated (I do not rely on your Hebrew....) and will share it soon.
I believe it will be great to share here the different regulation documents from the different countries.
Notice: In "regulation" I mean the general HaH document (where it exists) and not specific regulations for specific procedures/treatments.
In reply to Itamar Offer

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Bruce Leff -

thanks for sharing that news, Itamar.  in the US, we recently formed a HaH User Group of active programs.  The User Group has established 3 working groups: 1) HaH Program Standards, 2) HaH Quality Measures, 3) Policy and Regulatory issues.  we will be very interested to see the regulations from Israel.

In reply to WHAHC Community Team

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Mariana Borges Dias -
Hello everybody! I am Mariana Borges, from the Ministry of Health of Brazil, and the 1st WHAHC was the best event I have ever attended, the most important and complete in our area.For me,have and can participate in the HAH community is already a huge advance, because together and exchanging ideas we strengthen each other and expand the knowledge of thist in the world.
However, a very practical way to improve our HAH is by offering a summary of the consensus created in Madrid at the WHAHC, as a publication that could already subsidize decision makers in each country.
And respondind Dr Itamar Offer, the main message from the 1st WHAHC was that" we are a tribe"- as said by Dr Leef, we are not alone, and we have some challenges in common :
• Creation of the culture of AD, especially in professionals - of care for the patient and his surroundings;
• Define exactly the profile of the patient to be admitted (correct eligibility);
• evaluate Transport time x care time;
• Technology incorporation (the right technology for the right person);
• Create evidence of good quality;
• Be intensive, complex and transient point of care;
• Have a model based on the patient / population NEEDS;
•We have to matrix primary care, especially in remote areas (including telemonitoring);
• Shape staff and compensation to the prevalent care profile: acute / chronic / palliative care / others.
In reply to Mariana Borges Dias

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Itamar Offer -
Thanks a lot for very important comments, mainly regarding our common role in building consensus around specific professional challenges within the HaH service.
We will bring up some of the topics you have shared as Topics for discussion in an attempt to start building consensus drafts while enjoying the wisdom of the whole WHAHC community. Some of those may become a basis for mutual research ("multi-center") in order to establish them as standards of care. Looking forward. Itamar
In reply to WHAHC Community Team

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Amanda Brown -
Hello everyone! I am a part of a new Hospital at Home program that just started up this past November (2022) in the united States. We seem to be struggling with safe medication administration when patients want to utilize their own medications. The issue seems to arise when we need to do virtual visits. We are currently trying to prepare medications beforehand and place them in packages with a label that states what is in the package. We identify the medications on our pharmacy site called Micromedics that includes pictures of what every medication looks like. The issue is that no one feels it is a safe practice to administer medications that were set up by others. I am wondering what you all have tried and found to be effective as far as safe medication is involved.
In reply to Amanda Brown

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Itamar Offer -
Hi Amanda and congrats on starting the new program. Our meeting in Barcelona in 2 months will be the perfect place to discuss this issue with practicing peers.
In Israel, we have decided that since we are entering the patients' homes, for an average of 3-5 days (ALOS), and since those same patients and their caregivers were responsible for managing their own oral chronic medications before we came, and will be the day after we leave, that they continue to be responsible for managing them during the period they are hospitalized in our HaH service.
The physician is changing the medications regime if required due to the acute disease or the IV intervention (not common), but in large, they just continue with their daily routine.
In terms of patient safety, we believe that any other option that includes changing the patients' routine is compromising the safety of the patient. Good luck.
In reply to Itamar Offer

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Amanda Brown -

Thank you,  Itamar, for your response. While I would love to attend the conference in Spain, I'm planning on attending the conference in Chicago. I'm not sure if you are on Facebook at all, but I've created a group for Hospital at Home that's for everyone to network and ask questions. It's simply called Hospital at Home and is currently the only one that is public. Please, join us and invite others. Thank you so much!

In reply to Itamar Offer

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by James Pollard -

Hi Amanda, congratulations on the new program!

Typically in Australian HITH services, the patients/carer/nursing home staff will administer all oral medications - as Itomar indicates, it is typically considered safer than changing to HITH managed administration, and then back again, plus many oral medications are 2,3,4 times per day which is beyond our typical visit capacity (certainly 3 or 4 in most cases). Time is spent prior to transfer and again in the home with the (oral) medication list the physical medications themselves and running through how the patient/carer will manage them. "Webster packs" or similar oral medication assistance "devices" can often be instituted at this stage if there is concern abut missed doses etc.

Kind Regards

James Pollard

Cabrini Health, Melbourne, Australia.

In reply to James Pollard

Re: How can an international HaH Community help you achieve your mission?

by Karen O'Leary -
Just to add to James's comment
Many Australian hospitals already have processes to support medicine self-management for selected patients when they are admitted into the physical hospital and often the same processes are used for patients receiving care in the home. Many borrow from the approach used in residential care, focus on self-administration of usual medicines, patient-controlled analgesia or symptom control and more recently moving to self-administration of selected medicines like insulin. Having some guidelines about patient and medicine selection helps, of course it's better if you have clinical pharmacy as part of the HITH team! A few links that may help